my rugrats

About Me:

I’m 28, mother of two, loving wife… AWWWwwww….

I’ve been living in Mexico now for almost 6 months. Luckily, I live in an awesome metropolis, with quite a few of the accomodations that i was used to in the states… such as Costco, Walmart, a shit load of bands, amazing food, arts n technology, and the beautiful beach! In spite of those convienences, we also have a water tank with asbestos, outdated electricity, massive amounts of dust, caterpillars that burn your skin, and thousands of windshield washers on every street corner. haha, there are some things to get used to!

My kiddos and I are learning to speak spanish and adjust to life away from our family and friends in the States. I’ve learned this past year to attempt everything that I would like and not waste time because the opportunity might not be there tomorrow! We’re not your typical family.  We’re stewed, screwed, and tattooed. I’m a professional quilter and stylist.  This year, my hubby and I opened a tattoo shop and bought a Sex Shop. I am apprenticing tattooing and piercing under my hubby.I also run the Sex Shop, cook dinner, and home school my kids…. and when i’m done with that, I paint!